Among the many Wonders of Water, its ability to generate weak and ultra-weak magnetic fields that are essential for the health of our human bodies as the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance diagnosis shows. Although “weak” and even “ultra-weak” for scientific instruments, all magnetic fields can “move the mountains” as the Gospels …
Continua »The Cosmic Web and our “daily bread”
(Italiano) Il nostro pane quotidiano è il pacchetto di ormoni - grosse molecole - che sgorgano a centinaia dal nostro sistema endocrino. Un terminale del Web Cosmico?
Continua »Organic Universe
(Italiano) Il Sole Nero può essere il Buco nero che ci unisce ainfiniti universi per chi ha coscienza, sente l'unità e vuole liberarsi dall'inganno della visione
Continua »The real Earth: a giant Baby
There is another Earth, invisible but real, much larger than the visible sphere and without gravity. Space probes observe it in Extreme Ultra-Violet (EUV). Its shape, a giant Embryo. Hence the myth of the divine Baby, born in a cave filled with stars – can be real real, combined with …
Continua »A black hole at the Earth’s center
Organic Universe
The lifeless universe, astronomy has painted, is a holographic 3D movie transmitted by the electromagnetic light in optical frequencies. Another true LIGHT unveils the Organic Universe composed of infinite, intelligent and living worlds: it is the nuclear force that physicists call "weak" and we, humans, can feel as Love, Life, consciousness that a new world is possible and... already exists. We actually live a millenary deception: our human sight. The visible world is an interactive 3D movie, a matrix or virtual reality that hides all the other ones in which we can also participate. Our human eyes cannot see them, but our true "EARS" - our brain hemispheres - can "see" them within. Using them properly we can also feel the sublime intelligence of the moving MESSAGE, the true LIGHT that links each of us to the causal and eternal crystalline universe. Thus a completely new human history emerges...
Continua »The heresy of Giordano Bruno and the Eternity of Humankind
There is another Light, wrote the "heretic" Bruno in tune with the Gospels.
Continua »Astronomical illusions
NASA has discovered 2.326 Earth-like planets. What if these were the mirrored images of the same Earth? It is plainly possible, since the apparent vacuum can behave as a hall of mirrors, recent studies show...
Continua »October 18, 2014 – Munich Germany
(Italiano) Giuliana Conforto propone una rivoluzione astronomica, l'alba imminente di un nuovo SOLE
Continua »Rome February, 16, 2014 – Musical Homage to Giordano Bruno
Musical Homage to Giordano Bruno who announced the World Renewal, the revelation of the infinite intelligent worlds in which we can participating. All these worlds unveil our human immortality
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