  • Organic Universe

    The lifeless universe, astronomy has painted, is a holographic 3D movie transmitted by the electromagnetic light in optical frequencies. Another true LIGHT unveils the Organic Universe composed of infinite, intelligent and living worlds: it is the nuclear force that physicists call "weak" and we, humans, can feel as Love, Life, consciousness that a new world is possible and... already exists. We actually live a millenary deception: our human sight. The visible world is an interactive 3D movie, a matrix or virtual reality that hides all the other ones in which we can also participate. Our human eyes cannot see them, but our true "EARS" - our brain hemispheres - can "see" them within. Using them properly we can also feel the sublime intelligence of the moving MESSAGE, the true LIGHT that links each of us to the causal and eternal crystalline universe. Thus a completely new human history emerges...

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  • The heresy of Giordano Bruno and the Eternity of Humankind

  • (Français) Petit Soleil

  • The return of Ether and Harmony

    Why are the winds of war increasing? Because an Apocalypse is unveiling the “tyranny” that has reduced men to slavery. It is a "knowledge" ignoring the huge dark energy that teems from “vacuum”, operates into our human brain and it is what we can feel as consciousness.

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  • A new universe for a new human mind

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2. The shadows of the ideas

Great sages like Plato (400 BC) and Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) have stated that we don't actually see the real reality, but just a shadowy one.

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1. Time and Apple

(Italiano) Che cos'è il tempo? Nessuno lo sa, ma tutti lo credono un "dio" eterno e immutabile; è legato al denaro e al debito, alla forbice crescente tra pochi ricchi e tanti poveri.

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Freedom from virtuality

(Italiano) Non siamo espulsi dal Paradiso: abbiamo dimenticato le vie per comunicare con l'eterno presente. Dio, denaro e debito sono i "valori" virtuali di una tirannia millenaria: il tempo, unico e immutabile, in base al quale si calcolano interessi e debiti. E' un concetto giudaico-cristiano, smentito dagli organismi, legato alla sola vista, che è molto limitata, e a una "MELA" speciale: il campo magnetico terrestre. Molti eventi mostrano ora la sua fine imminente che, per noi umani, può essere l'inizio, l'emergere della "TERRA PROMESSA", la MATERIA BIANCA del cervello umano, creativa, intuitiva e sensibile alle emozioni, finora sottomessa alla materi grigia che crede alle formule e a quello che dicono in TV.

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