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The fecund conception

The fruitful conception challenge the "tyrant" on which rests the whole "knowledge", the linear time only. The tyrant is denied of all organizations and events taking place. The observed universe is a hologram - a matrix - the universe is infinite and Real One

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(Français) Petit Soleil

(Italiano) Le Petit Soleil est le Coeur Cristallin de la terre, également au cœur d'une nouvelle Terre que les sondes spatiales ont observé dans l'ultraviolet. Cette nouvelle Terre a une forme embryonnaire et est plongé dans une grotte réelle et concrète: la magnétosphère solaire...

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Epochal changes and human consciousness

The North Pole of the Sun’s magnetic field has disappeared. Sun only has one South Magnetic Pole at present, December 3, 2013. It is a wondrous opportunity to free ourselves from bipolarism and whatever belief too. We, humans, can become the creators of a joyful and free world.

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