What's happening? The sudden, rapid changes of the geomagnetic field can be "the trumpets of the Apocalypse", suggesting an imminent bifurcation of the "world system".
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What is the reality? Berlin Symposium
"Trusting the categories of space and time is obvious stupidity" Giordano Bruno
Continua »A new wind is blowing all over the world
It is the solar wind, plasma that escapes from the Sun’s surface and touches the Earth’s one at 3:30 in the night, when our hormonal secretion influences our moods. There’s a new wind blowing in the air today and it can be perceived as detachment from global politics, centred on …
Continua »London – August 25, 2017 – Organic Intelligence
Why do we have to fight against "enemies"? Because we trust a "knowledge" that ignores the Organic Cosmic Intelligence
Continua »Human Evolution und universal Metamorphosis
The Earth's magnetosphere, similar to an apple, is vanisghing at accelerated rates. It is the revelation that we have been looking at a holographic TV in 4D and mistaking it for "Heaven"
Continua »The Birth of the sixth sense
The belief in limits has never been verified and it is now resoundingly denied. A huge dark energy teems from "vacuum" and
Continua »Il progetto umano: auto-coscienza
Il progetto è l'auto-coscienza, connessa ai canoni della Natura Organica: libertà individuale e armonia collettiva
Continua »(Italiano) Udine – 6 novembre 2016 – Intervento al Convegno “Il peso dell’anima”
(Italiano) L'anima è la Forza che anima ogni cuore, il nucleo dell'atomo, quello delle cellule e della Terra, del sole e delle galassie. L'anima è la Forza cosmica che sta vincendo la gravità.
Continua »Organic Universe and Human evolution
Surprising natural events indicate the abrupt evolution of the observed universe. These might imply the Revelation that the observed universe is just a Cosmic Hologram, a matrix.
Continua »Packing for Mars
I had the pleasure to assist at the première of the documentary PACKING FOR MARS in Salzburg, in October 2015. There I re-met Frank Jacob and Tonia Madenford, respectively filmmaker and producer, and other dear friends too. Our common commitment was and is to discover the truth. Why are there so …
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