Are we missing resources and far from our primary source of energy, the sun? No, we are plagued by a giant optical illusion that is due to contemporary astronomers’ belief in the Copernican principle. Recent data confirm what Ptolemaic astronomers had suggested millennia ago. The “empty” space is like a hall of mirrors, full of liquid plasma and dark energy; it is multidimensional and wrapped, consisting of fractal shapes that repeat themselves on many different scales. These shapes might be similar to the “crystalline spheres” ancient astronomers were talking about. Therefore the “empty” space is filled with liquid crystal, similar to those we use in our TV screens; it can take many different shapes and give the illusion of infinite space that does not really exist. These invisible yet real structures belie the Copernican principle, with which contemporary astronomy calculates distances. Not only; these structures may have undergone abrupt changes that have altered the physical laws and the size of all the bodies, including those of humans. So we can explain why Atlantis was a great civilization “disappeared” because of a sudden change of state, a solidification of the “vacuum” which is everywhere, even within the atoms that make human bodies. This change has increased gravity, made more dazzling light electromagnetic andweaker the weak one…
Tags Atlantis celestial distances chrystalline spheres Copernican Principle hall of mirrors optical illusion ptolemaic astronomy the fall
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3. The stars will fall from the sky
The stars will fall from the sky with no danger for us, humans, since they are not massive bodies as astronomers believe, but just holograms, projected on the 3D screen that surrounds all of us...