Univers organique
(English) The lifeless universe, astronomy has painted, is a holographic 3D movie transmitted by the electromagnetic light in optical frequencies. Another true LIGHT unveils the Organic Universe composed of infinite, intelligent and living worlds: it is the nuclear force that physicists call "weak" and we, humans, can feel as Love, Life, consciousness that a new world is possible and... already exists. We actually live a millenary deception: our human sight. The visible world is an interactive 3D movie, a matrix or virtual reality that hides all the other ones in which we can also participate. Our human eyes cannot see them, but our true "EARS" - our brain hemispheres - can "see" them within. Using them properly we can also feel the sublime intelligence of the moving MESSAGE, the true LIGHT that links each of us to the causal and eternal crystalline universe. Thus a completely new human history emerges...
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Petit Soleil
Le retour de l’éther et de l’harmonie
Pourquoi les vents de guerre croissent? Car l'Apocalypse est en cours, à savoir la révélation de ce qui a rendu l'être humain en esclavage. C'est un 'savoir' qui méconnaît la présence massive de l'énergie noire qui jaillit du 'vide', œuvre aussi dans le cerveau humain et est ce que nous ressentons comme conscience
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Un nouvel univers pour un nouvel esprit humain
(Italiano) Più veloci della luce
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Continua »Univers organique
(Italiano) Il Sole Nero può essere il Buco nero che ci unisce ainfiniti universi per chi ha coscienza, sente l'unità e vuole liberarsi dall'inganno della visione
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